For God and Nation, we members do swear to maintain the honor, integrity and supremacy of our country, the United States of America; having been drawn together by strong bonds of respect, we solemnly and firmly associate ourselves together in creating – The Fraterna Societa Della Madonna Del Carmel; the principles and purposes of which shall be allegiance to the United State of America and fidelity to its Constitution and Laws.
Section I – Name
Art. 1. The name of this organization shall be known as – The Fraterna Societa Della Madonna Del Carmel of Lowellville, Ohio: County of Mahoning; incorporated December 4, 1895; dba Mt. Carmel Society.
Section II – Purpose
Art. 1. This society is formed for the purpose of honoring The Blessed Virgin Mary of Mt. Carmel; and to uphold and maintain true allegiance to the government of the United States of America and fidelity to the Constitution.
Art. 2. To aid and assist public and private agencies and institutions endeavoring to promote the public welfare.
Art. 3. To foster, encourage and promote social, civic, historical athletic, patriotic, musical and scientific activities and affairs.
Art. 4. To encourage in all people, a spirit of good will, fellowship and understanding.
Art. 5. This society cannot be dissolved so long as there remains seven (7) members who can hold a meeting and vote, and whatever decision the majority of said seven (7) members will decide, said decision will be legal and binding and if the decision is to dissolve the society, whatever funds remaining in the treasury shall be divided equally for the benefit of the members who are in good standing at the time of said decision to dissolve.
Section III – Administration
Art. 1. The official administration of the society shall be composed of the following elected officials – one (1) President; one (1) Vice-President; one (1) Treasurer; one (1) Financial Secretary; one (1) Recording Secretary; and three (3) Trustees.
Art. 2. The Executive Committee will be composed of the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Recording Secretary, three Trustees, and the immediate Past President.
Section IV – Duties of Officers
Art. 1. At the termination of term of office in which they were elected, each and every officer shall turn over all property and books belonging to the society, to his newly elected successor in office.
Art. 2. The President shall preside at all meetings. He shall have the privilege and authority to vote at any time to determine decisions where the vote has resulted in a tie. He must conduct all meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order.
Art. 3. The Vice-President has the same authority and duties as the President, but only in the absence of the President.
Art. 4. The Financial Secretary shall collect all dues and monies consigned to him by the members of the society. He must write receipts for the same. This money is then given to the Treasurer for deposit. The Financial Secretary must keep correct books in order and up to date.
Art. 5. The Treasurer must deposit all monies consigned to him in the name of the society. He shall also keep correct books of any financial matters pertaining to the society, and shall sign all checks in conjunction with the signature of the President.
Art. 6. It shall be the duty of the Recording Secretary to keep records of the meetings; one personal register book of all members; one record book of all inventory of property owned by the society. He shall be responsible for all letters, circulars and correspondence concerning the society.
Art. 7 . Any member of the administration that shall fail to attend four (4) consecutive meetings of the general assembly shall be eligible to be removed from office. Removal will begin via a motion and approved with a majority vote of those present at the regular meeting in which the motion was made. The President shall appoint his successor within 30 days with the approval of the Executive Committee. In the event the President does not appoint a successor within 30 days, the Executive Committee will make the appointment with the approval of the membership.
Section V – Benefits
Art. 1. In the case of death to any member or member’s spouse, floral offerings will be given.
Art. 2. In the case of death of any member, member's spouse, or member's child, the club hall will be made available for bereavement lunch/dinner purposes at no cost to the member or the member's family
Section VI – Committees
Art. 1. The Executive Committee shall meet any time the President or five (5) members of this committee may deem necessary. Any business or legislation approved by this body must be brought before the assembly. This committee, upon its own approval, has the authority to use any amount up to Six Hundred dollars ($600.00) for any emergency or condition, which shall benefit the society. This committee shall also screen new applicants. Five (5) members represent a quorum of the Executive Committee.
Art. 2. The Official Celebration Committee shall be made up of the Executive Committee and three (3) members appointed by the President. The annual celebration will be held the third week of July with the Celebration Committee establishing the days of that week.
Art. 3. Special Committees may be appointed from time to time by the President for special purposes and are automatically discharged when the special duties for which they were created are completed and their final report made to the society.
Section VII – Membership
Art. 1. Any male eighteen (18) years old, of Italian birth or extraction, and of Catholic faith, who believes in the principles enunciated in the Preamble to this Constitution, shall be eligible for membership.
Art. 2. Applications for new membership will be taken from January 1st to April 1st. All members’ dues must be paid on or before the first meeting in April. All unpaid members will be notified by the Financial Secretary 15 days in advance of the deadline. In the event the Financial Secretary is absent, any elected official may collect the dues from the membership. All dues must be recorded as paid or submitted to the Financial Secretary on or before the April meeting. There will be no special consideration given to any member who does not pay his dues on or before the first meeting in April.
Art. 3. The name of any eligible member must be submitted upon proper form to the Executive Committee for approval.
Art. 4. Upon approval by secret ballot of six (6) members of the Executive Committee, the eligible member needs only a majority vote of members present.
Art. 5. Any person may become a social member of the club and will be eligible for bar privileges only; with the approval of the Executive Committee and membership. The Steward will collect social membership fees.
Art. 6. The Executive Committee, with the approval of the assembly, will set annual dues for all members and social members. All changes in dues will become effective in January.
Art. 7. No member upon resigning shall be privileged to receive a remittance of any dues there-to-for paid. Any member or associate member who is 100% disabled may apply to the Executive Committee for a 50% reduction in their annual dues.
Art. 8. No person shall have any voice, vote or benefits at any meeting unless he is a paid member in good standing.
Art. 9. Membership to be restricted to a maximum of 200 members. When the membership of 200 is attained applications will still be accepted. These applicants will not be required to deposit the $25.00 dues with their application. When any vacancies arise the Executive Committee will review all applications on file and make the necessary recommendations to the assembly. Only those recommendations submitted by the Executive Committee will be voted on by the members.
Art. 10. If a member is dropped from the roster this member will not be eligible to make application to re-join the club for two (2) years. When making application this member will pay an initiation fee of $25.00 in addition to the regular dues. This article will take effect in January of 1987. The Executive Committee may waive the initiation fee due to certain circumstances.
Art. 11. Members are obligated to buy or sell tickets to two (2) events in any year not to exceed $15.00 for each event or be assessed for failure to do so. If assessment is not made, member will be excluded from the club.
Section VIII – Elections
Art. 1. All members taking part in the elections must be members in good standing.
Art. 2. Nominations will commence during the October meeting and must end during the regular meeting in November.
Art. 3. The election of officers shall be held every two (2) years during the month of December. Elections will be by secret ballot. There shall be no write-ins.
Art. 4. No member may be nominated for more than one office. No member may be nominated for office until he has been a member in good standing for at least two (2) years. To qualify as a member in good standing, you must meet all the rules and regulations outlined in the by-laws and in addition you must attend a minimum of six (6) regular meetings in the prior year from the months of October to October. You must sign the register book and only at the beginning of the meeting, which will serve as the official document of members who attend the regular meetings. All members nominated in October and November must accept the nomination verbally if present or in writing if not present. Any member nominated may have his name removed from the ballot on or before 14 days prior to our regular scheduled election in December.
Art. 5. Balloting will take place at the Mt. Carmel Society Hall on the regular meeting day in the month of December, from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Art. 6. The President shall select the tellers for the elections.
Section IX – Meetings
Art. 1. Meetings of this organization shall be held the first Thursday of each month, commencing at 7:00 p.m.
Art. 2. The presence of seven (7) members is sufficient to constitute a legal quorum, and a majority of those members present will be sufficient to pass any motion or item of business, which shall be brought before the meeting.
Art. 3. The President or five (5) members of the Executive Committee may call a special meeting providing that all members are notified by the Recording Secretary at least three (3) days before the date of the meeting and also stating the reason for such a meeting.
Section X – Suspension or Expulsion
Art. 1. Any member may be suspended or expelled if found guilty of any act injurious to this organization; that the accusation must be in writing and given first to the Executive Committee. This Committee must then examine and investigate the charges, and if the charges are too serious to be dismissed, then this committee can recommend either suspension or expulsion to the organization. Either one requires a two-thirds vote of the assembly. The accused shall have the right to an impartial trial and an opportunity to defend himself of those charges. Should the accused be acquitted, any recurrence of any injurious act to this organization shall be dealt solely by the Executive Committee.
Section XI – Miscellaneous
Art. 1. No equipment or properties of this organization shall be given or loaned out to any person or organization.
Art. 2. Any proposed changes in By-Laws must be submitted in writing and only during the months of January and June. Any changes in By-Laws must be read at three (3) consecutive meetings. All proposed amendments to the By-Laws will be voted on and must be passed by 2/3 of members present at the March meeting.
Art. 3. Any member entering the Armed Services of the United States, shall have his dues paid automatically during the tour of duty.
Art. 4. The Executive Committee will make recommendations on the operation of the club facilities to the general membership.
Art. 5. The President, Treasurer and Vice-President shall maintain a safety deposit box and all club’s securities, insurance policies, deeds, charter and other important documents shall be kept in this safety deposit box at all times. It is required that two out of three persons must be present when opening this safety deposit box.
Art. 6. In the event the immediate past president is elected to office this situation would leave one vacancy on the Executive Committee. The prior past president shall fill this vacancy. If the prior past presidency is not available the president shall appoint a member in good standing with the approval of the membership.
Art. 7. In the event of death or resignation of any officer or member of the Executive Committee, the President shall appoint a member in good standing to fill the vacancy with the approval of the membership.
Art. 8. Investment Board: It shall be the duty of the President, Treasurer and one (1) Trustee (selected by the trustees) to act as an investment board. This Board will invest all the club monies not needed in the general fund.